As the clock ticks toward midnight, with over 92% of precincts in the 19th congressional district reporting, John Hall stands in the lead with 50.9% to 49.1 for Sue Kelly.
The energy in the room is manic, people screaming as RNN reports live from the party, as John Hall presumably sits back stage waiting for the concession call.. we wait for Westchester numbers to come in.
The people have spoken all over Amerrica and all over New York. We wait for final numbers, but by all appearances, the era of Republican decadance is coming to an end.
The Kelly campaign is on TV right now, and they discuss a possible concession, Kelly's people try to keep their chins up, hoping to catch the hail mary pass.
Nobody here thinks Kelly has a chance, and it ain't over til the fat lady sings, but she's warming up in the wings and this night looks like it's coming to a close.
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