The State University of New York is being targeted by Albany for a disproportionately deep 10% budget cut. Other state agencies face lesser cuts, and this has caused leaders of the academic community to cry foul.
Turns out, SUNY has gotten off pretty easily. Were our schools located in the modest and demure redneck utopia that is Georgia, USA, they would be subject to unabashed, ideologically driven and targeted attacks against 'diversity', surely 'elitism', 'profanity' and the 'godlessness' that all good simple Christian folk hate.
See, Georgia State teaches classes in Human Sexuality! Those amoral leftist perverts even have the audacity to get down low and dirty on the taxpayer's dime!
Depraved Georgia colleges present offerings of classes with names like "The Social Meaning of Oral Sex". Shocking to a Georgia Peach, to be sure, but also an issue that became highly visible when President Clinton stranded oral sex at the side of the road by sternly pointing a finger and pronouncing "I did not have sex with that woman" (who gave me a bj).
A class called "Queer Theory" taught at the University of Georgia defends its perversity by asserting that "the representation of homosexuals in literature and the world is a respected course of study throughout the nation". Enough to give a good ole boy the vapors!
FInally, in what I'm certain was unintentionally misleading, it was said and written by a radical fellow Christian Coalition traveler in the Georgia state legislature that a third class called "Male Prostitution" was available to our innocents. One might think students were being offered a business school class covering "how to be a successful male prostitute", but there is no such class. Just a sociology/public health professor name Kirk Elifson on staff, who is an expert on male prostitution and the risk factors associated with the spread of HIV.
No need to split hairs. I could easily have been a class, right? And is it wrong to make uninformed policy decisions when there is so much political capital to gain? Getting Professor Elifson fired could guarantee re-election for the ill-informed bigot leading the misleading: State Rep. Calvin Hill, the Republican vice chairman of the House Appropriations Committee in Georgia.
In the reality based world, it is said that the cultural clash between the academic "elitists" and the softheaded know-nothings is really a battle in a fiscal war. Georgia faces a massive deficit and, rather than accept "stimulus" money, Republicans will attack and skin the institutions that offend the delicate sensibilities of their constituents.
This is just another venal implementation of the old, reliable Southern Strategy that has been used by the GOP since Nixon was picking locks. Rouse the passions of the freedom-hating social conservatives and they'll storm the gates of the Ivory Towers of Academia with torches and pitchforks - even though their children - like Bristol Palin - desperately need to understand sex and sexuality in the context of a greater world than Georgia.
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