There's a local agitator named VIncent Ferro, who lately has been organizing anti-choice demonstrations in front of Catholic churches in Poughkeepsie and Newburgh. He and his fellow protesters are demanding that the Church formally deny Congressman John Hall the right to receive Holy Communion because of his support for legal abortion.
We're all entitled to our opinions, and the first amendment ensures Mr. Ferro's right to voice his.
And technically speaking, Mr Ferro has a case, I'd think. Even though Hall doens't practice Catholicism anymore - he attends services at an Episcopal church, as I recall.
So today, I would like to offer to join Mr. Ferro at his next protest. In fact, I will bring as many of my friends as will come, and we can raise the roof on those pro-abortion politicians!
There's one condition, though.
Mr. Ferro has to agree to add Rudy Giuliani to his protest.
I'm sure that won't be a problem. I'm sure Mr. Ferro is driven by principle, not partisanship, so including another protector-of-choice to his list will not pose a problem, right?
Then Mr. Ferro can kill two pro-choice birds with one stone!
Giuliani meets Ferro's criteria: he's runnng for president, he supports abortion - he's even been divorced! - and Newburgh and Poughkeepsie are both in Rudy's home Archdiocese.
So what do you say Mr. Ferro?
Willing to add Rudy G to your hit list? Or do you only go after Democrats whose election win still stings?
I so much agree in all that Mr Ferro saids abortion is against the word of god.It is a life that is being taken.This is a disgrace in the eyes of the lord.What about the 10 commadments thy shalt not kill is one of them.The bible tells us everything but a lot of people just want to turn gods words around to which suits them.
Posted by: MARIE BUNT | February 01, 2008 at 03:56 PM
Vincent Ferro is a bold, pleasant and honest man. I've met him on the streets. He puts feet to his Faith.
We need more like him.
Posted by: FGM | October 13, 2008 at 05:20 PM
i agree with comments it's great man!
Posted by: writers job | May 05, 2011 at 08:47 AM